Edmonton is one of the largest northern urban centers in the world. Located in Canada, Edmonton is the capital city of Alberta. The city has a strong history as a trade center, and it served as the last major stop for the Klondikers during the Gold Rush. This is why we Edmontonions call our city "The Gateway to the North"

Please enjoy my perspective of one of of the fastest growing urban areas this side of China.

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Thursday, September 30, 2010

THe Dog Park Foot Bridge

THis bridge turns what would be a 30 min drive into a 10 min one. It connects the south and north sides of the river. In the winter half of the bridge is left unplowed for the cross country skiers.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Dog Park

It's fall and I have rediscovered my love for the dog park. My prior dog was lost in a separation so for a while I wondered around the park trying to decide if I wanted to be a single parent. In the end I decided to take the leap. Pictures of Farrah will come later.

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