Edmonton is one of the largest northern urban centers in the world. Located in Canada, Edmonton is the capital city of Alberta. The city has a strong history as a trade center, and it served as the last major stop for the Klondikers during the Gold Rush. This is why we Edmontonions call our city "The Gateway to the North"

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Monday, August 25, 2008

Ptincess Theatre

Taken from the Princess Theatre website:
The historic Princess Theatre was built in 1915. The original auditorium, with a balcony, is still much the same as it was originally built. An intimate 90 seat screening room has been added to the basement. The main auditorium is partially wheelchair accessible (rest rooms are upstairs) but the downstairs theatre is not wheelchair accessible. It is the only theatre in Edmonton to have a Cry Room. It is a sound-proof viewing room equipped with volume control and a change table; ideal for families. Matinees are held every Saturday and Sunday afternoon. Monday is discount night, with all seats at $6.

1 comment:

Kris McCracken said...

It is a lovely building. It is great to hear that the refit has taken people with young families into account. The last few years have given me a sharp realisation that doing anything with young kids is often far more difficult than need be because people haven’t thought of layout etc.

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