This Highway is one of the busiest in the world and represents billions of dollars in trade. It links Edmonton to Alberta's other major city, Calgary. What was once called Hi-Way 2 was renamed as per the photo above.
The prairies are also known as big sky country. Edmonton itself is not in part of the big sky region. It is actually a good 300km to the south east. This photo gives you an idea as to why Big Sky is like. The real macoy would have a much lower horizon and be FLAT with almost no trees. It has the same effect as standing before a mountain, one feels very small and trivial.
I am currently in Red Deer helping my mother who has broken her wrist.
you had me going there, Mark. "A ship in Edmonton?" Cool to see this.
Seattle Daily Photo
hello! Edmonton! Your City is truly beautiful! Specially your photos of them! I'm just new, barely a month doing Cavite Daily Photo(Philippines) And I reall want to apply to City Daily Photo but I don't know how. Can you help me? by the way, I'll link this site to mine manually! Thanks so much! Such a great site!
Cavite Daily Photo (Philippines)
Steven Que
Interesting - I've distant relatives in Calgary & Edmonton and when I think of Alberta I imagine mountains - didn't realise about the huge flat praries - I guess they don't make for majestic photography so get overlooked.
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