Edmonton is one of the largest northern urban centers in the world. Located in Canada, Edmonton is the capital city of Alberta. The city has a strong history as a trade center, and it served as the last major stop for the Klondikers during the Gold Rush. This is why we Edmontonions call our city "The Gateway to the North"

Please enjoy my perspective of one of of the fastest growing urban areas this side of China.

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Sunday, August 7, 2011

This is Farrah. She is an 80lbs monster who everyone thinks is a boy due to her size. I'm her third home believe it or not. The last year has been a very hard one for me personally and she has held me accountable and demands structure. I needed her just as bad as she needs me. Now if only I could get her to stop eating shoes and play nice with other dogs.

I know the lighting in this is all wrong.. she needed to be more forward and it would have been nice if she looked into the light a bit more.... but have you ever tried to get a dog to pose? It's not easy. LOL

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