Edmonton is one of the largest northern urban centers in the world. Located in Canada, Edmonton is the capital city of Alberta. The city has a strong history as a trade center, and it served as the last major stop for the Klondikers during the Gold Rush. This is why we Edmontonions call our city "The Gateway to the North"

Please enjoy my perspective of one of of the fastest growing urban areas this side of China.

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

It's a Nice Day for a Billy Idol Song

It's wedding season!
These shots were taken while assisting a photographer friend in Detroit. I am pushing myself to shoot live subjects more as I try to become more rounded in my abilities. Personally I find it very difficult to preform portrait work as my real passions lie in Architecture and Design.
I am taking the camera with me to work today.. so I should have some more photos of Edmonton tomorrow.

1 comment:

Tash said...

Lovely close-up.

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